
Opulent Facebook Ads and Seamless Text-Message Remarketing

Attract the right people to your business & stay in touch with the click of a button!


My goal is to help you create the life of your dreams with consistency and predictability using Facebook Ads. 

This means I’m using my most-coveted, secret-sauce FB ad formula to help you make consistent 5-6 figure revenue every single month.

Book A Discovery Call with Lexus


Facebook Advertising

Premium Facebook Ads at the fingertips of your ideal client.

SMS Remarketing

Keep your prospects in the “know”. Remind them of your live events so they are more likely to receive value from your trainings + purchase into your high-ticket coaching program! 

The Hub

All-In One sales & marketing platform. The hub provides all the solutions you need to streamline your online marketing.

He who says he can and he who

says he can’t, are both

usually right


HeadShot Crew

“I came across Lexus Williams and everything changed.”

If you’re looking for somebody to help you amp up your Facebook ads and change your life, potentially with a great product, you gotta go check out Lexus. She’s amazing.

– Peter Hurley


“We have generated between 6 to 12 sales per month from FB ads”

Lexus combines mindset and strategy. She’s very knowledgeable when it comes to Facebook ads and how to make them effective and efficient. But also she uses the mindset and she uses manifestation, and that for me is pure gold.

– Ewa Pietrzak

let’s get started

Fill out the form below to inquire about working with Lexus