Navigating Q4 Advertising Trends: Strategies to Beat Rising Costs

Every year, as Quarter 4 approaches, we witness a predictable trend that impacts the world of advertising. Here’s what you can anticipate:

Increase in Cost per Result: If you’ve been thinking that now is the perfect time to run Facebook and Instagram ads because it’s the cheapest, unfortunately, that’s not entirely accurate. This is the season when advertisers start ramping up their spending in preparation for the holiday rush. The aim is to sell more of their products before Christmas. Consequently, this surge in advertising activity intensifies the competition for attention, leading to a higher cost per result, whether it’s generating leads, sales, or any other desired outcome.

So, what can you do about it? Regardless of whether you’re a high-ticket coach, a small local-based business, or an e-commerce venture, there are several strategies to combat the increase in advertising costs:
  • Increase Your Organic Content: Boost the volume of organic content you create. Not only does this expand your organic reach and potentially lead to sales via non-paid channels, but it also helps your ad account find more of the people you want to reach. By attracting new eyes to your account, you’re diversifying your audience and reducing your dependence on paid advertising.
  • Ramp Up Email Marketing Efforts: Consider implementing email marketing campaigns to offset rising advertising costs. This might involve offering a free coupon or guide in exchange for a visitor’s email address. With their permission, you can nurture these leads through email, keeping your marketing costs low.
  • Emphasize Brand Awareness: Instead of allocating a significant portion of your budget to achieving a specific result, consider focusing more on brand awareness. Leverage the available tools to get more eyes on your content at a much cheaper cost. Building a recognizable brand can ultimately result in long-term success.
If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by the advertising landscape in Quarter 4 and need some guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help you navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that this season presents. Send us an email, and let’s start a conversation over a cup of coffee. We’ll provide you with the clarity you need to make the most of your advertising efforts in the final quarter of the year.