About Facebook and Instagram Ads

Imagine This…

You’re scrolling through social media and you see a Facebook Ad so beautifully crafted. You can tell someone put a lot of time and effort into making sure the ad both looked and felt right. The graphic immediately captures your attention and the copy reads like your favorite book on a Sunday morning. The ad tickles your intuition & something inside you compels you to say: “yes!” …That’s what I do. I create ads that taste good they’re so elegant. 

Why? Because I know the first step to someone buying your product or service is the ad has to stop “the scroll” and immediately render respect and awe. But it doesn’t stop there… 

I’ve spent 4.5 years studying some of the BEST marketers out there from Chialdini, Donald Miller from Story Brand, Rachel Pedersen, Gary Vaynerchuck, Ogilvy On Advertising and more. 

My job as a marketer is to understand what makes your ideal customer “tick” but.. morally. I don’t believe in scheme-y marketing tactics where you find the pain-point of your client, stick a knife in it and twist. No… 

Instead I focus on identifying your ideal avatar, and thinking from “their” perspective. Where are they in life? What pain-points are they experiencing, how can I highlight them but make them FEEL excited at the same time? 

My intuition is my best guide. 

My ads are directed by my intuition. I don’t believe in creating campaigns for the sake of creating campaigns. I put time, effort, mindset, strategy, and energy into my client’s campaigns. If my intuition says no – then it’s a no. 

How intuition created $80k in one single month for my client.

The most successful campaigns my clients have experienced is when we both followed our intuition. Check out Ewa Pietrzak’s story where she has consistently make 6-12 high-ticket sales into her coaching program, every single month since December 2022. 

Every time I hit publish my clients hear “cha-ching!”

  • The joy I experience when clients make thousands upon thousands of dollars every single month is exhilarating. I get to change my client’s worlds with just the click of a button.